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#%TITLE% moke_scans.mac
#$Revision: 1.4 $
#%NAME% Scan macros for the MOKE setup
# Scan macros for the MOKE setup
# MOKE : Magneto Optical Kerr Effect
# Multi-zone (hysteresis) scan (4 zones)

#%UU% curr_max low-res high-res count_time"
#%MDESC% scan the moke. Arguments are:%BR%
# first  : the value of the positive and negative maximum current to go to.
#          Use a negative value to start moving negative first!
# second : the number of intervals to use on the second and fourth movement.
# third  : the number of intervals to use on the first and third movement.
# fourth : the counting time.
def mokescan '{
    local z4_p1 z4_p2 z4_p3 z4_p4 z4_p5
    local z4_n1 z4_n2 z4_n3 z4_n4
    local z4_mne z4_min z4_max z4_aux

    if ($# != 4) {
      print "Usage : $0 curr_max low-res high-res count_time"
    local curr1, lowres, highres, ctime
    curr1   = $1
    highres = $2
    lowres  = $3
    ctime   = $4

    z4_mne = curr

    z4_p1  = 0
    z4_p2  = curr1
    z4_p3  = 0
    z4_p4  = curr1 * -1
    z4_p5  = 0

    z4_n1  = highres
    z4_n2  = lowres
    z4_n3  = highres
    z4_n4  = lowres

    _check0 "$1"

    if ((z4_n1 == 0 )||(z4_n2 == 0)||(z4_n3 == 0)||(z4_n4 == 0)) {
      p "Number of intervals <= 0! Can`t do that!"

    z4_min = 99999999
    z4_max = -99999999
    if (z4_p1 > z4_max)
      z4_max = z4_p1
    if (z4_p1 < z4_min)
      z4_min = z4_p1
    if (z4_p2 > z4_max)
      z4_max = z4_p2
    if (z4_p2 < z4_min)
      z4_min = z4_p2
    if (z4_p3 > z4_max)
      z4_max = z4_p3
    if (z4_p3 < z4_min)
      z4_min = z4_p3
    if (z4_p4 > z4_max)
      z4_max = z4_p4
    if (z4_p4 < z4_min)
      z4_min = z4_p4
    if (z4_p5 > z4_max)
      z4_max = z4_p5
    if (z4_p4 < z4_min)
      z4_min = z4_p5
    _bad_lim = 0
    _chk_lim z4_mne z4_min
    _chk_lim z4_mne z4_max
    if (_bad_lim)

    HEADING = sprintf("mokescan %s %s %s %s", "$1", "$2", "$3", "$4")

    _cols = 1 + _hkl_col
    X_L = cnt_name(lsgm)
    Y_L = cnt_name(adc)
    _sx = z4_min ; _fx = z4_max

    _n1 = z4_n1 + z4_n2 + z4_n3 + z4_n4 +1
    FPRNT=sprintf("%s%s  ",FPRNT,motor_name(z4_mne))
    PPRNT=sprintf("%s%8.8s ",PPRNT,motor_name(z4_mne))
    VPRNT=sprintf("%s%9.9s ",VPRNT,motor_name(z4_mne))

    FPRNT=sprintf("%s%s  ",FPRNT,_hkl_sym1)
    PFMT=sprintf("%%s%%8.%df ",UP)
    VFMT=sprintf("%%s%%9.%df ",UP)

    cdef("cleanup_once", "dscan_cleanup curr 0;", "dscan")
    NPTS = 0
    z4_aux = (z4_p2 - z4_p1)/z4_n1
    __moke_scan_on z4_mne z4_p1 z4_p2 z4_n1 ctime z4_aux
    z4_aux = (z4_p3 - z4_p2)/z4_n2
    __moke_scan_on z4_mne z4_p2 z4_p3 z4_n2 ctime z4_aux
    z4_aux = (z4_p4 - z4_p3)/z4_n3
    __moke_scan_on z4_mne z4_p3 z4_p4 z4_n3 ctime z4_aux
    z4_aux = (z4_p5 - z4_p4)/z4_n4
    __moke_scan_on z4_mne z4_p4 z4_p5 z4_n4 ctime z4_aux


#%UU% curr1 low-res high-res curr2 resol count_time
#%MDESC% scan the moke. Arguments are:%BR%
# first  : the value of the positive and negative current for the inner zone.
#          Use a negative value to start moving negative first!
# second : the number of intervals to use for movement from 0 to +-curr1.
# third  : the number of intervals to use for movement from +-curr1 to 0.
# fourth : the value of the positive and negative current for the outer zone.
# fifth  : the number of intervals to use for movement from curr1 to curr2.
# sixth  : the counting time.
def mokescan2 '{
    local z8_p1 z8_p2 z8_p3 z8_p4 z8_p5 z8_p6 z8_p7 z8_p8 z8_p9
    local z8_n1 z8_n2 z8_n3 z8_n4 z8_n5 z8_n6 z8_n7 z8_n8
    local z8_mne z8_min z8_max z8_aux

    if ($# != 6) {
      print "Usage : $0 curr1 low-res high-res curr2 resol count_time"
    local curr1, lowres, highres, curr2, resol, ctime
    curr1   = $1
    highres = $2
    lowres  = $3
    curr2   = $4
    resol   = $5
    ctime   = $6

    # make sure the current signs are consistent.
    if (fabs(curr1) != curr1 + 0) {
        curr2 = fabs(curr2) * -1
    } else {
        curr2 = fabs(curr2)

    z8_mne  = curr
    z8_p1   = 0
    z8_p2   = curr1
    z8_p3   = curr2
    z8_p4   = curr1
    z8_p5   = 0
    z8_p6   = -curr1
    z8_p7   = -curr2
    z8_p8   = -curr1
    z8_end  = 0

    z8_n1   = highres
    z8_n2   = resol
    z8_n3   = resol
    z8_n4   = lowres
    z8_n5   = highres
    z8_n6   = resol
    z8_n7   = resol
    z8_n8   = lowres

    _check0 "$1"

    if ((highres == 0)||(lowres == 0)||(resol == 0)) {
        print "One number of intervals is 0! Can`t do that!"

    z8_min = 99999999
    z8_max = -99999999
    if (z8_p1 > z8_max)
      z8_max = z8_p1
    if (z8_p1 < z8_min)
      z8_min = z8_p1
    if (z8_p2 > z8_max)
      z8_max = z8_p2
    if (z8_p2 < z8_min)
      z8_min = z8_p2
    if (z8_p3 > z8_max)
      z8_max = z8_p3
    if (z8_p3 < z8_min)
      z8_min = z8_p3
    if (z8_p4 > z8_max)
      z8_max = z8_p4
    if (z8_p4 < z8_min)
      z8_min = z8_p4
    if (z8_p5 > z8_max)
      z8_max = z8_p5
    if (z8_p4 < z8_min)
      z8_min = z8_p5
    _bad_lim = 0
    _chk_lim z8_mne z8_min
    _chk_lim z8_mne z8_max
    if (_bad_lim) {

    HEADING = sprintf("mokescan %s %s %s %s %s %s", "$1", "$2", "$3", "$4",\
                                                    "$5", "$6")

    _cols = 1 + _hkl_col
    X_L = cnt_name(lsgm)
    Y_L = cnt_name(adc)
    _sx = z8_min ; _fx = z8_max

    _n1 = 1 + z8_n1 + z8_n2 + z8_n3 + z8_n4 + z8_n5 + z8_n6 + z8_n7 + z8_n8
    FPRNT=sprintf("%s%s  ",FPRNT,motor_name(z8_mne))
    PPRNT=sprintf("%s%8.8s ",PPRNT,motor_name(z8_mne))
    VPRNT=sprintf("%s%9.9s ",VPRNT,motor_name(z8_mne))

    FPRNT=sprintf("%s%s  ",FPRNT,_hkl_sym1)
    PFMT=sprintf("%%s%%8.%df ",UP)
    VFMT=sprintf("%%s%%9.%df ",UP)

    cdef("cleanup_once", "dscan_cleanup curr 0;", "dscan")
    NPTS = 0
    z8_aux = (z8_p2 - z8_p1)/z8_n1
    __moke_scan_on z8_mne z8_p1 z8_p2 z8_n1 ctime z8_aux
    z8_aux = (z8_p3 - z8_p2)/z8_n2
    __moke_scan_on z8_mne z8_p2 z8_p3 z8_n2 ctime z8_aux
    z8_aux = (z8_p4 - z8_p3)/z8_n3
    __moke_scan_on z8_mne z8_p3 z8_p4 z8_n3 ctime z8_aux
    z8_aux = (z8_p5 - z8_p4)/z8_n4
    __moke_scan_on z8_mne z8_p4 z8_p5 z8_n4 ctime z8_aux
    z8_aux = (z8_p6 - z8_p5)/z8_n5
    __moke_scan_on z8_mne z8_p5 z8_p6 z8_n5 ctime z8_aux
    z8_aux = (z8_p7 - z8_p6)/z8_n6
    __moke_scan_on z8_mne z8_p6 z8_p7 z8_n6 ctime z8_aux
    z8_aux = (z8_p8 - z8_p7)/z8_n7
    __moke_scan_on z8_mne z8_p7 z8_p7 z8_n7 ctime z8_aux
    z8_aux = (z8_p9 - z8_p8)/z8_n8
    __moke_scan_on z8_mne z8_p8 z8_p9 z8_n8 ctime z8_aux

#%MDESC% internal macro for MOKE
def __moke_scan_on '{
  local z4_n

  _m[0] = $1; _s[0] = $2; _f[0] = $3
  _n1 = $4; _ctime = $5
  _d[0] = $6
  _nm = 1
  _n = 0
  for (; _n < _n1; _n++, NPTS++) {
    local i
    for  (i=0;i<_nm;i++)
       A[_m[i]] = _s[i] + _n * _d[i]
    for (i=0;i<_nm;i++) {
      FPRNT=sprintf("%s%.8g ",FPRNT,A[_m[i]])
    FPRNT=sprintf("%s%s ",FPRNT,_hkl_val)

#%BUGS% Bugs ? What bugs ??
#Holger (BLISS) for ID18. Derived from a z3escan of Gilles.