
Beamline Instrument Software Support
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# Macros to handle the focus only by using the sample motors on the gonio.
#%DESCRIPTION% This is a macro motor which can change the focus without moving the
# phi x translation. It is important to maintain a reference to the focal plane for the 
# reliability of the autocentring functions, so the phi x translation can be held at a reference position.
# The user would still like to focus on the sample and so this macro makes it possible.
# A focus motor should be configured in SPEC.
#$Log: minidiff_focus.mac,v $
#Revision 1.1  2008/08/12 13:53:19  rey
#Initial revision

#%UU% (mnum, type, par1, par2)
def focus_config(mnum, type, par1, par2) '{
    p "focus_config " mnum " " type " " par1 " " par2
    return "focus"

#%IU% (mnum, mode)
def focus_calc(mnum, mode) '{
  global OLD_FOCUS
  local DegToRad phiRad
  motmne  = motor_mne(mnum)

  if (mode != "..") {
  DegToRad = 3.14159/180
  phiRad = A[phi]*DegToRad

  if (mode == 0) {
      if (FOCUS_DEBUG) print "set focus (" motmne ")"
      A[focus] = A[sampx]*cos(phiRad) + A[sampy]*sin(phiRad)
  } else {
      if (FOCUS_DEBUG) print "Set sampx/sampy " motmne
        if ((A[phi]+90)%180 != 0) {
            A[sampx] = A[focus]*cos(phiRad)
        } else {
            A[sampx] = 0
        if (phiRad%180 != 0) {
            A[sampy] = A[focus]*sin(phiRad)
        } else {
            A[sampy] = 0
    if (FOCUS_DEBUG)
    print "focus " A[focus] " sampx " A[sampx] " sampy " A[sampy] 