
Beamline Instrument Software Support
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#%TITLE% IK320multi.MAC
#  Heidenhain high resolution encoder IK320 as a counter
#%CATEGORY% Positioning
#%DT%  ik320setup 1 heid id18/ik320/1 1 %DD%
#    One pseudo counter heid will be set up for a Heidenhain Encoder 
#    device name id18/ik320/1. If the counter heid is defined with spec 
#    config editor the its position will be read with the Encoder. 

#%UU% nb_of_cnts mne integrate device channel mne integrate device channel ...
#%MDESC% Set up the pseudo counters given with mne on the esrf device
# device and channel. 

def ik320setup '{
  global IK320_NO IK320_DEV IK320_MNE IK320_CH IK320_INT
  local i

  if ($#) {

    IK320_NO = $1
    IK320_MNE[0] = "$2"; IK320_MNE[1] = "$5"; IK320_MNE[2] = "$8" ; 
    IK320_DEV[0] = "$3"; IK320_DEV[1] = "$6"; IK320_DEV[2] = "$9"; 
     IK320_CH[0] = "$4";  IK320_CH[1] = "$7";  IK320_CH[2] = "$10";  

  } else {

    IK320_NO = getval("How many VME Heidenhain IK320",IK320_NO)
    for (i = 0; i < IK320_NO; i++) {
      IK320_MNE[i] = getval("Mnemonic for IK320",IK320_MNE[i])
      IK320_DEV[i] = getval(sprintf("Device name for Heidenhain IK320 %s",\
      IK320_CH[i] = getval(sprintf("Channel for Heidenhain IK320 %s",\


def _ik320setup '{
   local i
   for (i=0; i<IK320_NO; i++) { 
     _multimsetup(sprintf("%s type=ik320 device=%s channel=%d integrate=0", \
	IK320_MNE[i], IK320_DEV[i], IK320_CH[i]))

def multim_init_ik320 '{
   local pos
   if (!("device" in MULTIM[cntr])) {
      printf("Device name missing. ")
   if (!("channel" in MULTIM[cntr]))
      MULTIM[cntr]["channel"] = counter_par(cntr, "channel")

   global ESRF_ERR_MSG
   ESRF_ERR = -1
   esrf_io(MULTIM[cntr]["device"], "DevReadPosition", \
					MULTIM[cntr]["channel"], pos)  
   if (ESRF_ERR > 0) {
       printf("\n Error while initializing IK320 encoder\n")
       printf("       - counter: %s\n",cnt_mne(cntr))
       printf("       - ADC dev: %s\n",MULTIM[cntr]["device"])
       printf("       - Errno:   %d\n",ESRF_ERR)
       printf("             %s\n",ESRF_ERR_MSG)
       printf(" Please. Check the VME\n\n")
       printf(" Hint: if you got the message \"RPC client call timed out\":\n") 
       printf("    - the device server process may have died in the VME\n") 
       printf("             or\n") 
       printf("    - you may be having network problems\n\n") 

#  Reads the ADC value for type=ik320 
def multim_read_ik320 '{
   local pos
#  ESRF_ERR=-1
   esrf_io(MULTIM[cntr]["device"], "DevReadPosition", \
					MULTIM[cntr]["channel"], pos)  
   value = pos[0] * 0x10000 + pos[1]
   if (!ESRF_ERR)
      ok = 1

#%MDESC% Prepares the first configured IK320 device to move over
# the reference mark. The motor has to be move after a call to this macro

def ik320ref '{
  i = 0
  p "Reset IK320 by doing POST"
  p "Moving encoder to reference"
  getval("Hit ENTER when ready to move to reference","")
#%UU% <resolution>
#%MDESC% The first IK320 device resolution is set (a value between 1 and 16)

def ik320res '{
  local ik320_in
  i = 0
  res = $1
  if (res <= 0 || res > 16) {
     p "ik320res resolution"
  else {
     p "Set encoder resolution to " res
     for (ik320_i = 0; ik320_i < IK320_NO; ik320_i++) {
        ik320_in[0] = "1"
        ik320_in[1] = "resolution"
        ik320_in[2] = res
        ik320_in[0] = "2"

#  IK320multi.MAC  JK 7.00 Rev 0.002 New version using multim.mac to integrate