
Beamline Instrument Software Support
SPEC Macro documentation: [ Macro Index | BCU Home ]

# Macros to use a shutter controled by an IcePAP motor.
# The aim is to have a motor moving to two different
# positions depending on an incoming electrical signals.
# Typically, for a shutter, the two positions correspond
# to open and close positions of the shutter.
# The underlying IcePAP features used are the position
# lists and the tracking mechanism.

# Mandatory standard IcePAP macros
need ice

#%UU% motor pos_closed pos_open [velocity acctime]
# Defines the closed and open positions used when tracking the
# incoming signal. The positions are absolute and given in user units.
# Optionaly new velocity/acceleration can be used when the motor
# will be moving during tracking. The acceleration is giveng in ms.
# No action on motor is done, therefore it's still usable
# as any other motor.
# ex ID16b:  iceshutsetup  shutr  15  0  6000  2
def iceshutsetup '{
  local _usage

  _usage = "Usage: $0 motor pos_closed pos_open [velocity(Hz) acctime(ms)]"
  _usage = _usage "\n\tpositions given in user units"
  _usage = _usage "\n\tvelocity  given in Hz"
  _usage = _usage "\n\tacctime   given in ms"

  # Minium check on arguments
  if($#<3) {
    print "Missing mandatory arguments"
    print _usage

  # Minimum check on motor argument
  local mne
  mne = "$1"
  if(_icepap_ismot(mne)) {
    print "Not an IcePAP motor"

  # Minium check on arguments
  if(($#>3) && ($#<5)) {
    print "Missing velocity and accetime"
    print _usage

  # Optional vel/acct
  local _vel _acct
  if($#>=5) {
    _vel = $4
    _acc = $5
  } else {
    _vel = 0
    _acc = 0

  # TODO: block poslist change while in tracking mode
  if(icepap_cmd($1, "get_status") == 0x02) {
    print "Not allowed while tracking incoming signal"
    print "Hint: use \"iceshutoff\""

  _iceshutsetup($1, $2, $3, _vel, _acc)

#%IU%(motor, pos_closed, pos_open, velocity, acctime)
# If velocity/acctime are null, the values from the motor config
# will be used.
def _iceshutsetup(num, pos_closed, pos_open, vel, acc) '{
  local long array poslist[2]
  local stp_sz

  if(vel == 0) {
    vel = motor_par(num, "config_velocity")

  if(acc == 0) {
    acc = motor_par(num, "config_acceleration")

  motor_par(num, "shutr_vel", vel, "add")
  motor_par(num, "shutr_acc", acc, "add")

  stp_sz = motor_par(num, "step_size")
  poslist[0] = stp_sz * dial(num, pos_closed)
  poslist[1] = stp_sz * dial(num, pos_open)

  # download the new position list into the IcePAP axis
  _poslistsetup(num, "CYCLIC", poslist)

  motor_par(num, "shutter_mode", 0, "add")

#%UU% motor
# Move the motor to the "closed" position and activate the
# tracking on the incoming signals.
# No check is done on the current incoming signal level. The current
# level MUST correspond to the "closed" position of the shutter.
# The motor velocity/acceleration will be changed to new values if they
# have been given on setup.
def iceshuton '{

  # Minium check on arguments
  _iceshutcheck $*

  # TODO: check that the position list has been already loaded

def _iceshutcheck '{

  # Minium check on arguments
  if($#!=1) {
    print "Missing mandatory arguments"
    print "$0: motor"

  # Minimum check on motor argument
  local mne
  mne = "$1"
  if(_icepap_ismot(mne)) {
    print "Not an IcePAP motor"

def _iceshuton(num) '{
  local silent

  icepap_cmd(num, "slew_rate",    motor_par(num, "shutr_vel"))
  icepap_cmd(num, "acceleration", motor_par(num, "shutr_acc"))

  silent = 1
  _poslisttrackon(num, "INPOS", 0, silent)

  motor_par(num, "shutter_mode", 1, "add")


#%UU% motor 
# Tracking incoming signal is des-activated. The motor can now
# be moved as any other motor. The velocity/acceleration are
# restored with the config values.
def iceshutoff '{
  # Minium check on arguments
  _iceshutcheck $*


def _iceshutoff(num) '{
  local silent

  # stop the tracking
  silent = 1
  _poslisttrackoff(num, silent)

  # restore default motion settings
  icepap_cmd(num, "slew_rate",    motor_par(num, "config_velocity"))
  icepap_cmd(num, "acceleration", motor_par(num, "config_acceleration"))

  motor_par(num, "shutter_mode", 0, "add")

  # Position discrepancies between spec and the
  # motor hardware will be silently resolved in favor of the hardware


def _iceshut_sync '{

#%AUTHOR% MP BLISS (Original 05/2016).
# %BR%$Revision: 1.4 $ / $Date: 2021/12/02 11:42:12 $