
Beamline Instrument Software Support
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#%TITLE% gauge.mac
#%CATEGORY%     vacuum
#    Macros to get a penning reading as counter in spec.
#   Very simple macro set to get the reading of a penning gauge
#   as a counter in spec
#   This macro set oversedes the macro set balzer.mac
#   Two options to configure them:%BR%
#       1/ as macro counter%BR%
#           * create a macro counter controller.%BR%
#           * set the number of channels to what you need%BR%
#           * set the prefix as "gauge"%BR%
#           * add counters in the scaler window with controller MAC_CNT%BR%
#           * set unit as appropiate%BR%
#           * in the additional parameter window (type "p" when %BR%
#                you are over the counter line) add a parameter%BR%
#                called device with the right value%BR%
# %BR%
#       2/ as old style pseudo counter%BR%
#           * define counters in the scaler window with controller%BR%
#               as NONE%BR%
#           * add lines like "gaugeadd mne devname" in setup%BR%

global GAUGE_DEV

#%UU% ctmne devname
#   Setup counter ctmne to accept pressure reading from device devname
#   The counter needs to be defined in config
#   If the line is configure in setup file, just taking the line away
#   or commenting it out will deactivate the counter
def gaugeadd '{
   if ($# != 2) {
      print "Usage: gaugeadd ctmne devname"
   GAUGE_DEV["$1"] = "$2"

   cdef("user_getcounts",sprintf("gauge_getcounts %s\n", "$1"),"$1",0x2)


#   Activates reading on all gauges defined in setup with gaugeadd
def gaugeon '{
   for (ky in GAUGE_DEV) {
        cdef("user_getcounts",sprintf("gauge_getcounts %s\n", ky),ky,0x2)

#   Deactivates reading on all gauges defined in setup with gaugeadd
def gaugeoff '{
   for (ky in GAUGE_DEV) {
        S[cnt_num(ky)] = 0

def gauge_getcounts '{
    local ctmne devname  ctnum
    local argout

    local _is_tango _pressure _pressure_attr

    ctmne = "$1"
    ctnum = cnt_num(ctmne)

    devname = GAUGE_DEV["$1"]

    _is_tango = ( index(devname, "tango") == 1)
    if (_is_tango){
        _pressure_attr = sprintf("%s/pressure", devname)
        _pressure = esrf_io(_pressure_attr, "DevRead")

        esrf_io(devname, "DevReadSigValues", argout)
        _pressure = argout[0]

    S[ctnum] = _pressure

def gauge_unsetup '{
    local mne
    mne = "$1"

    S[cnt_num(mne)] = 0
    delete GAUGE_DEV[ mne ]
    cdef("","", mne ,"delete")


#   Checks that a device name has been set for each counter after reconfig
#   Otherwise sets the counter as unusable
def gauge_config( mne, type, unit, mod, chan) '{
     if ( type == "cnt") {
          devname = counter_par(mne, "device")
          if (devname == 0 || devname == "") {
               printf("Device name for gauge counter \"%s\" not defined.\n", cnt_mne(mne))
               printf("   Please:\n")
               printf("   - go to the scaler screen in config\n")
               printf("   - use \"p\" to access the aditional parameter screen\n")
               printf("   - then use \"i\" to enter a new parameter\n")
               printf("   - call the new parameter \"device\" and enter a value for it\n")
               return ".error."

#   Read pressure value
def gauge_cmd( mne, key, p1, p2, unit ) '{
     local argout
     local _is_tango _pressure_attr _pressure

     if ( key == "counts") {
          devname = counter_par( mne, "device")
          _is_tango = ( index(devname, "tango") == 1)

          if (_is_tango){
              _pressure_attr = sprintf("%s/pressure", devname)
              _pressure = esrf_io(_pressure_attr, "DevRead")
              esrf_io(devname, "DevReadSigValues", argout)
              _pressure = argout[0]

          return _pressure

#%AUTHOR% V.Rey / BLISS / ESRF - Feb 2008 %BR%
# C.Guilloud / BLISS / ESRF - Feb 2012 for tango version