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# Macro motors for FlexDc (TCP/IP) controller from Nanomotion

#%CATEGORY% Positioning

#%DT%Configuring macro motors %DD%
# %DL%
#  %DT% 1)
#       You must have an entry in "MOTORS" table for each controller
#       %DL%
#         %DT% -
#         The "DEVICE" field must be set to string "flexdc_tcp"
#         %DT% -
#         The "ADDR" must be set to the TCP name of your controller (with port)
#         %DT% -
#         The "NUM" should be set to 2
#         %DT% -
#         The "TYPE" field must be set to "Macro Motors"
#       %XDL%
#  %DT% 2)
#       For each axis you must define a motor with:
#       %DL%
#         %DT% -
#         The "Controller" field set to "MAC_MOT"
#         %DT% -
#         The "Unit" field, numbered from 0,
#         must be set to the MOTORS entry.
#         %DT% -
#         The "Chan" field, numbered from 0,
#         must be set to the channel on the FLEXDC_TCP controller
#         %DT% -
#         Optional parameter
#         "status_po_cmd" set to non zero if status should wait for power cut (dead zone)
#       %XDL%
# %XDL%
#  In order to configure a macro counter:
#  %DL%
#    %DT% 1)
#         You must have a "SCALERS" defined with:
#         %BR%
#         %DL%
#           %DT% DEVICE
#           set to "flexdc_tcp_c"
#           %DT% TYPE
#           set to "Macro Counter"
#           %DT% NUM
#           must be set also
#         %XDL%
#    %DT% 2)
#         Per axis you must define a counter with:
#         %BR%
#         %DL%
#           %DT% Device
#           set to "MAC_CNT"
#           %DT% Mnemonic
#           what you want.
#           %DT% parameters
#           "motor" -> mnemonic of the motor to reflect position.
#           %DT% Unit
#           do not mind
#           %DT% Chan
#           do not mind
#         %XDL%
#  %XDL%

constant FLEXDC_TCP_EOC "\r"
constant FLEXDC_TCP_PPT ">"
constant FLEXDC_TCP_ACK "Z"
#constant FLEXDC_TCP_WR_SLEEP 0.01
# PC set to 0.002
constant FLEXDC_TCP_WR_SLEEP 0.002

############################               ###########################
############################  MACRO MOTOR  ###########################
############################               ###########################

# Called by spec after reading the config file
def flexdc_tcp_config(num, type, p1, p2, p3) '{
    global FLEXDC[]
    local  dev
    local  ans
    local  itf

    # p1==?? p2==number of motors supported
    if(type=="ctrl") {

        # print "Configuring FlexDC TCP controller..."

        # Erase any previous configuration
        if(p1 == 0) { for(i in FLEXDC) { delete FLEXDC[i] } }

        # Gets the IP name to talk to the controller
        dev = flexdc_tcp_ADDR

        # Try to guess the interface used
        if(int(dev) == dev) {
            itf = "SERIAL"
        } else if(index(dev,"/")) {
            itf = "TANGODS"
        } else {
            itf = "SOCKET"
            if(!index(dev,":")) {
                dev = dev":4000"
            FLEXDC[dev]["host"] = dev

        # Keep a record of the full interface
        FLEXDC[dev]["itf"] = itf

        printf("%s Looking for controller using interface: %s\n", \
               FLEXDC_TCP_TAB, itf)

        # Check if socket can be opened.
        if(_flexdc_tcp_connect(dev) == ".error.") {

        # Checks if the controller is there.
        # Disables all the associated motors otherwise.
        # Gets controller firmware revision.
        ans = _flexdc_tcp_query(dev, "XVR")
        if(ans == "") {
            printf("%s ERROR: missing answer from controller\n", FLEXDC_TCP_TAB)

        printf("%s Found (%s) controller: %s\n", FLEXDC_TCP_TAB, dev, ans)

        # normal end

    # p1==unit p2==module p3==channel
    if(type=="mot") {
        local chan
        local cmd
        local mne

        # Gets the IP name to talk to the controller.
        # This access flexdc_tcp_ADDR
        dev = motor_par(num, "address")
        mne = motor_name(num)

        # get the channel (must be 0 or 1)
        if((p3<0) || (p3>1)) {
            printf("%s ERROR: invalid channel\n", FLEXDC_TCP_TAB)
        chan = (p3==0)?"X":"Y"

        # print "chan = " chan

        # enabling the servo loop, motor is on
        printf("%s \"%s\" enabling servo loop on channel %s\n", \
               FLEXDC_TCP_TAB, mne, chan)
        cmd=sprintf("%sMO=1", chan)
        if(_flexdc_tcp_wr(dev, cmd)) {
            printf("%s ERROR: Enabling servo loop\n", FLEXDC_TCP_TAB)

        # Sets "point to point" motion mode.
        # 0 -> point to point
        # ( 1 -> jogging ;  2 -> position based gearing  )
        # ( 5 -> position based ECAM ;  8 -> Step command (no profile) )
        cmd=sprintf("%sMM=0", chan)
        if(_flexdc_tcp_wr(dev, cmd)) {
            printf("%s ERROR: setting \"point to point\" motion mode\n", \
        printf("%s \"%s\" (MM=0) \"point to point\" motion mode\n", \
               FLEXDC_TCP_TAB, mne)

        # Special motion mode attribute parameter
        # 0 -> no special mode
        # ( 1 -> repetitive motion )
        cmd=sprintf("%sSM=0", chan)
        if(_flexdc_tcp_wr(dev, cmd)) {
            printf("%s ERROR: setting \"point to point\" motion mode\n", FLEXDC_TCP_TAB)
        printf("%s \"%s\" (SM=0) \"point to point\" motion mode\n", \
               FLEXDC_TCP_TAB, mne)

#         # define no smoothing
#         cmd=sprintf("%sWW=0", chan)
#         if(_flexdc_tcp_wr(dev, cmd)) {
#             printf("%s ERROR: setting no smoothing mode\n", FLEXDC_TCP_TAB)
#             return(".error.")
#         }
#         else{
#             printf("%s: (WW=0) no smoothing mode\n", FLEXDC_TCP_TAB)
#         }

        # Defines smoothing 4
        cmd=sprintf("%sWW=4", chan)
        if(_flexdc_tcp_wr(dev, cmd)) {
            printf("%s ERROR: setting smoothing mode 4 \n", FLEXDC_TCP_TAB)
        printf("%s \"%s\" (WW=4) smoothing mode = 4 \n", \
               FLEXDC_TCP_TAB, mne)

        # Sets acceleration and deceleration
        #print "in _config : acc="   motor_par(num, "acceleration")
        motor_par(num, "acceleration", motor_par(num, "acceleration"))

        # Sets velocity
        #print  "in _config : velocity="   motor_par(num, "velocity")
        motor_par(num, "velocity", motor_par(num, "velocity"))

        # By default no closed loop condition checked for end of motion

        # Check if closed loop parameters have been set
        ans = _flexdc_tcp_query(dev, sprintf("%sTT", chan))
        if(ans == "") {
            printf("%s ERROR: reading axis TT \n", FLEXDC_TCP_TAB)
        if(ans == "0") {
            printf("%s WARNING: missing closed loop param TT \n", \
        ans = _flexdc_tcp_query(dev, sprintf("%sTR", chan))
        if(ans == "") {
            printf("%s ERROR: reading axis TR \n", FLEXDC_TCP_TAB)
        if(ans == "0") {
            printf("%s WARNING: missing closed loop param TR \n", \

        # At this point we should have valid closed loop parameters

        # Normal end of axis configuration

# Called by spec after reading the config file, after calling _config()
# and only if parameters are set in the config file for a motor.
def flexdc_tcp_par(mot_num, key, todo, p1, p2) '{
    local dev
    local mne
    local chan

    # nothing to do for the controller
    if(mot_num == "..") {

    # get the IP @ to talk to the controller
    dev = motor_par(mot_num, "address")
    mne = motor_name(mot_num)

    # get the channel
    chan = (motor_par(mot_num, "channel")==0)?"X":"Y"

    # set the dead band of controller servo loop (p1=steps)
    if (key == "dc_dead_band") {
        local val

        printf("%s \"%s\" set dc_dead_band: %s\n", \
               FLEXDC_TCP_TAB, mne, p1)

        # activate the dead zone
        # get the actual motor position
        ans = _flexdc_tcp_query(dev, sprintf("%sCA[33]", chan))
        if(ans == "") {
            printf("%s ERROR: reading dead zone config\n", FLEXDC_TCP_TAB)

        # get the position in steps
        if(sscanf(ans, "%d", val) != 1) {
            printf("%s ERROR: parsing dead zone config\n", FLEXDC_TCP_TAB)

        # set the dead zone min value
        cmd=sprintf("%sCA[33]=%d", chan, (val|1))
        if(_flexdc_tcp_wr(dev, cmd)) {
            printf("%s ERROR: setting dead zone config\n", FLEXDC_TCP_TAB)

        # PC: values of min and max dead zone will be equal in all cases?
        # set the dead zone min value
        cmd=sprintf("%sCA[36]=%d", chan, p1)
        if(_flexdc_tcp_wr(dev, cmd)) {
            printf("%s ERROR: setting max dead zone\n", FLEXDC_TCP_TAB)

        # set the dead zone max value
        cmd=sprintf("%sCA[37]=%d", chan, p1)
        if(_flexdc_tcp_wr(dev, cmd)) {
            printf("%s ERROR: setting max dead zone\n", FLEXDC_TCP_TAB)

    if (key == "acceleration"){
        if(todo == "set"){

            # set the acceleration in steps/sec^2
            printf("%s \"%s\" set acceleration to: %s\n", \
                   FLEXDC_TCP_TAB, mne, p1)
            if(_flexdc_tcp_wr(dev, sprintf("%sAC=%d", chan, p1))) {
                printf("%s ERROR: setting acceleration\n", FLEXDC_TCP_TAB)

            # set the deceleration in steps/sec^2
            printf("%s \"%s\" set deceleration to: %s\n", \
                   FLEXDC_TCP_TAB, mne, p1)
            if(_flexdc_tcp_wr(dev, sprintf("%sDC=%d", chan, p1))) {
                printf("%s ERROR: setting deceleration\n", FLEXDC_TCP_TAB)


    if (key == "slew_rate" || key == "velocity") {
        if(todo == "set") {
            # set the velocity in steps/sec
            printf("%s \"%s\" set velocity to    : %s\n", \
                   FLEXDC_TCP_TAB, mne, p1)
            if(_flexdc_tcp_wr(dev, sprintf("%sSP=%d", chan, p1))) {
                printf("%s ERROR: setting velecoty\n", FLEXDC_TCP_TAB)


# Called by spec on motor operation.
def flexdc_tcp_cmd(mot_num, key, p1, p2) '{
    local dev
    local mne
    local chan

    # nothing to do for the controller
    if(mot_num == "..") {

    # get the serial to talk to the controller
    dev = motor_par(mot_num, "address")
    mne = motor_name(mot_num)

    # get the channel
    chan = (motor_par(mot_num, "channel")==0)?"X":"Y"

    # return the current motor position in mm or deg
    if (key == "position") {
        local pos
        pos = flexdc_tcp_get_pos(mot_num)

    # start a motion (p1==abs pos, p2==rel pos, with pos in mm or deg)
    if (key == "start_one") {
        local pos
        pos = flexdc_tcp_set_pos(mot_num, p1)

    # Returns the current motor status.
    if (key == "get_status") {
        local _status
        _status = flexdc_tcp_get_status(mot_num)

    # stop a single motor
    if (key == "abort_one") {
        # Stop motion (with deceleration)
        print "abort one requested"
        # For an abort (without deceleration) use rather the command "AB"
        if(_flexdc_tcp_wr(dev, sprintf("%sST", chan))) {
            printf("%s ERROR: stopping motion\n", FLEXDC_TCP_TAB)

#        if(_flexdc_tcp_wr(dev, sprintf("%sAB", chan))) {
#            printf("%s ERROR: stopping motion\n", FLEXDC_TCP_TAB)
#            return(".error.")
#        }


    # set position (p1=mm) (reset the current position to a given value)
    if (key == "set_position") {
        local pos

        # get the absolute position in steps
        pos = round_nearest(p1*motor_par(mot_num, "step_size"))

        # prepare an absolution motion
        if(_flexdc_tcp_wr(dev, sprintf("%sPS=%d", chan, pos))) {
            printf("%s ERROR: setting motor position\n", FLEXDC_TCP_TAB)


    # set the velocity (p1=steps/sec)
    if (key == "slew_rate") {

        # set the velocity in steps/sec
        if(_flexdc_tcp_wr(dev, sprintf("%sSP=%d", chan, p1))) {
            printf("%s ERROR: setting velecoty\n", FLEXDC_TCP_TAB)

    # set the acceleration (p1=mS p2=steps/sec^2
    if (key == "acceleration") {

        # set the acceleration in steps/sec^2
        if(_flexdc_tcp_wr(dev, sprintf("%sAC=%d", chan, p2))) {
            printf("%s ERROR: setting acceleration\n", FLEXDC_TCP_TAB)
            printf("%s set  acceleration to %s\n", FLEXDC_TCP_TAB, p2)


        # set the deceleration in steps/sec^2
        if(_flexdc_tcp_wr(dev, sprintf("%sDC=%d", chan, p2))) {
            printf("%s ERROR: setting deceleration\n", FLEXDC_TCP_TAB)
            printf("%s set  deceleration to %s\n", FLEXDC_TCP_TAB, p2)

    if (key == "search") {
        # Initiates a home or limit search.
        # A prestart_one call will precede this call.
        # The parameter p1 indicates the type of search.
        # The parameter p2 contains the position in dial units
        # that corresponds to the home or limit switch.
        print "FLESDC_TCP--flexdc_tcp_cmd()--key=", key, "p1=", p1

        if(p1 == "home"){
            p " find the home position as appropriate."
        else if(p1 == "home+"){
            p " find home position by moving in positive direction."
        else if(p1 == "home-"){
            p " find home position by moving in negative direction."
        else if(p1 == "lim+"){
            p " find the positive limit."
        else if(p1 == "lim-"){
            p " find the negative limit."
        else {
            print "HMACMOT--hmacmot_cmd()--key=", key," param=", p1, " -> not recognized"


# This reads the desired position (DP); equal to the absolute position (AP) when no motion is going on
def flexdc_tcp_get_pos(mot_num) '{
    local pos_str
    local pos
    local dev chan

    dev = motor_par(mot_num, "address")
    chan = (motor_par(mot_num, "channel")==0)?"X":"Y"

    # get the actual motor position
    ans = _flexdc_tcp_query(dev, sprintf("%sDP", chan))
    if(ans == "") {
        printf("%s ERROR: reading motor position\n", FLEXDC_TCP_TAB)

    # get the position in steps
    if(sscanf(ans, "%f", pos) != 1) {
        printf("%s ERROR: parsing motor position\n", FLEXDC_TCP_TAB)

    # convert the position in mm
    pos_str = sprintf("%.15g", pos / motor_par(mot_num, "step_size"))

    # normal end

# This reads the actual position according to the encoder (PS)
def flexdc_tcp_get_read_pos(mot_num) '{
    local pos_str
    local pos
    local dev chan

    dev = motor_par(mot_num, "address")
    chan = (motor_par(mot_num, "channel")==0)?"X":"Y"

    # get the actual motor position
    ans = _flexdc_tcp_query(dev, sprintf("%sPS", chan))
    if(ans == "") {
        printf("%s ERROR: reading motor position\n", FLEXDC_TCP_TAB)

    # get the position in steps
    if(sscanf(ans, "%f", pos) != 1) {
        printf("%s ERROR: parsing motor position\n", FLEXDC_TCP_TAB)

    # convert the position in mm
    pos_str = sprintf("%.15g", pos / motor_par(mot_num, "step_size"))

    # normal end

# This reads the desired speed (SP)
def flexdc_tcp_get_vel(mot_num) '{
    local ret
    local dev chan

    dev = motor_par(mot_num, "address")
    chan = (motor_par(mot_num, "channel")==0)?"X":"Y"

    # get the set velocity
    ans = _flexdc_tcp_query(dev, sprintf("%sSP", chan))
    if(ans == "") {
        printf("%s ERROR: reading motor speed\n", FLEXDC_TCP_TAB)

    # get the value as floating point
    if(sscanf(ans, "%f", ret) != 1) {
        printf("%s ERROR: parsing motor speed\n", FLEXDC_TCP_TAB)

    # normal end

# This reads the actual velocity according to (VL)
def flexdc_tcp_get_read_vel(mot_num) '{
    local ret
    local dev chan

    dev = motor_par(mot_num, "address")
    chan = (motor_par(mot_num, "channel")==0)?"X":"Y"

    # get the actual velocity
    ans = _flexdc_tcp_query(dev, sprintf("%sVL", chan))
    if(ans == "") {
        printf("%s ERROR: reading actual velocity\n", FLEXDC_TCP_TAB)

    # get the value as floating point
    if(sscanf(ans, "%f", ret) != 1) {
        printf("%s ERROR: parsing actual velocity\n", FLEXDC_TCP_TAB)

    # normal end

def flexdc_tcp_get_sr(mot_num) '{
    local ret
    local dev chan

    dev = motor_par(mot_num, "address")
    chan = (motor_par(mot_num, "channel")==0)?"X":"Y"

    # get the status register
    ans = _flexdc_tcp_query(dev, sprintf("%sSR", chan))
    if(ans == "") {
        printf("%s ERROR: reading status register\n", FLEXDC_TCP_TAB)

    # get the value as floating point
    if(sscanf(ans, "%f", ret) != 1) {
        printf("%s ERROR: parsing status register\n", FLEXDC_TCP_TAB)

    # normal end

def flexdc_tcp_get_po(mot_num) '{
    local ret
    local dev chan

    dev = motor_par(mot_num, "address")
    chan = (motor_par(mot_num, "channel")==0)?"X":"Y"

    # get the power
    ans = _flexdc_tcp_query(dev, sprintf("%sPO", chan))
    if(ans == "") {
        printf("%s ERROR: reading PIV Output\n", FLEXDC_TCP_TAB)

    # get the value as floating point
    if(sscanf(ans, "%f", ret) != 1) {
        printf("%s ERROR: parsing PIV Output\n", FLEXDC_TCP_TAB)

    # normal end

def flexdc_tcp_get_pe(mot_num) '{
    local ret
    local dev chan

    dev = motor_par(mot_num, "address")
    chan = (motor_par(mot_num, "channel")==0)?"X":"Y"

    # get the position error
    ans = _flexdc_tcp_query(dev, sprintf("%sPE", chan))
    if(ans == "") {
        printf("%s ERROR: reading Position Error\n", FLEXDC_TCP_TAB)

    # get the value as floating point
    if(sscanf(ans, "%f", ret) != 1) {
        printf("%s ERROR: parsing Position Error\n", FLEXDC_TCP_TAB)

    # normal end

def flexdc_tcp_get_param(mot_num, param) '{
    local ret
    local dev chan

    dev = motor_par(mot_num, "address")
    chan = (motor_par(mot_num, "channel")==0)?"X":"Y"

    # get the parameter
    ans = _flexdc_tcp_query(dev, sprintf("%s%s", chan, param))
    if(ans == "") {
        printf("%s ERROR: reading %s\n", FLEXDC_TCP_TAB, param)

    # get the value as floating point
    if(sscanf(ans, "%f", ret) != 1) {
        printf("%s ERROR: parsing parameter\n", FLEXDC_TCP_TAB)

    # normal end

def flexdc_tcp_set_pos(mot_num, position) '{
    local pos
    local dev chan

    dev = motor_par(mot_num, "address")
    chan = (motor_par(mot_num, "channel")==0)?"X":"Y"

    ## get the absolute position in steps
    pos = round_nearest(position * motor_par(mot_num, "step_size"))

    ## prepare an absolute motion
    if(_flexdc_tcp_wr(dev, sprintf("%sAP=%d", chan, pos))) {
       printf("%s ERROR: preparing the motion\n", FLEXDC_TCP_TAB)

    ## launch the motion
    if(_flexdc_tcp_wr(dev, sprintf("%sBG", chan))) {
        printf("%s ERROR: launching the motion\n", FLEXDC_TCP_TAB)

def flexdc_tcp_set_vel(mot_num, velocity) '{
    local dev chan

    dev = motor_par(mot_num, "address")
    chan = (motor_par(mot_num, "channel")==0)?"X":"Y"
    # set the velocity in steps/sec
    if(_flexdc_tcp_wr(dev, sprintf("%sSP=%d", chan, velocity))) {
        printf("%s ERROR: setting velocity\n", FLEXDC_TCP_TAB)
def flexdc_tcp_set_param(mot_num, param, val) '{
    local dev chan

    dev = motor_par(mot_num, "address")
    chan = (motor_par(mot_num, "channel")==0)?"X":"Y"
    # set param to val
    if(_flexdc_tcp_wr(dev, sprintf("%s%s=%d", chan, param, val))) {
        printf("%s ERROR: setting %s\n", FLEXDC_TCP_TAB, param)
def flexdc_tcp_get_status(mot_num) '{
    local _ansMS _ansSR _ansEM _ansPO
    local ret
    local sta
    local dev chan mne

    dev = motor_par(mot_num, "address")
    chan = (motor_par(mot_num, "channel")==0)?"X":"Y"
    mne = motor_name(mot_num)
    ret = 0
    sta = 0

    # get the current axis status
    # Motion Status : MS command
    # bit 0 :  1 : In motion.
    # bit 1 :  2 : In stop.
    # bit 2 :  4 : In acceleration.
    # bit 3 :  8 : In deceleration.
    # bit 4 : 16 : Waiting for input to start motion.
    # bit 5 : 32 : In PTP stop (decelerating to target).
    # bit 6 : 64 : Waiting for end of WT period.

    _ansMS = _flexdc_tcp_query(dev, sprintf("%sMS", chan))
    if(_ansMS == "") {
        printf("%s ERROR: reading axis status\n", FLEXDC_TCP_TAB)

    # get the bitmask from the answer
    if(sscanf(_ansMS, "%x", sta) != 1)
        printf("%s ERROR: unable to get status for: \"%s\"\n", FLEXDC_TCP_TAB, mne)

    # get moving status
    #if(sta & (1<<0))  { ret |= 0x02; } else {sleep(.2) }
    if(sta & (1<<0))  ret |= 0x02;

    # SR : Status Register (bit 6 : In-target)
    #      usable only if TT and TR have been set !
    # check if closed loop is still regulating
    # PC: Spec can wait for ever here in case PO is set to 0 (dead zone)
    # How can this happen? Contradiction between TT/TR and dead zone algorithm?
    # Probably when Position Error is below maximum dead zone and above TR
    # -> SR will stay at 0
    # Maybe we should anyway wait for dead zone (motor unpowered)
    # For the moment: track case TR < PE < maximum dead zone and stop with warning
    if(ret == 0) {
        if(motor_par(mot_num, "status_cmd") !=0 ) {
            _ansSR = _flexdc_tcp_query(dev, sprintf("%sSR", chan))
            if(_ansSR == "") {
                 printf("%s ERROR: reading axis status\n", FLEXDC_TCP_TAB)

            # get the bitmask from the answer
            if(sscanf(_ansSR, "%x", sta) != 1)
                 printf("%s ERROR: unable to get status for: \"%s\"\n", \
                     FLEXDC_TCP_TAB, mne)

            # get moving status
            if(!(sta & (1<<5)))  ret |= 0x02;

            #if (ret != 0) {
            #    # make sure we are not in pathological case
            #    _ansPO = _flexdc_tcp_query(dev, sprintf("%sPO", chan))
            #    if (_ansPO == 0){
            #        # we are probably in deadzone
            #        printf ("%s WARNING: Power cut off but not in target.\n", FLEXDC_TCP_TAB)
            #        ret = 0
            #    }
    if(ret == 0) {
        if(motor_par(mot_num, "status_po_cmd") !=0 ) {
            # Make sure power is also cut
            _ansPO = _flexdc_tcp_query(dev, sprintf("%sPO", chan))
            if(_ansPO == "") {
                 printf("%s ERROR: reading PO value\n", FLEXDC_TCP_TAB)
            if(_ansPO != 0) ret |= 0x02;

    # EM : Last end of motion reason :
    # 0 : In motion or after boot up.
    # 1 : Last Motion ended normally.
    # 2 : Last Motion ended due to Hard FLS.
    # 3 : Last Motion ended due to Hard RLS.
    # 4 : Last Motion ended due to Soft HL.
    # 5 : Last Motion ended due to Soft LL.
    # 6 : Last Motion ended due to Motor Fault.
    # 7 : Last Motion ended due to User Stop (ST or AB).
    # 8 : Last Motion ended due to Motor Off (MO=0).
    # 9 : Last Motion ended due to bad ECAM parameters.

    # get the current axis status
    _ansEM = _flexdc_tcp_query(dev, sprintf("%sEM", chan))
    if(_ansEM == "") {
        printf("%s ERROR: reading axis status\n", FLEXDC_TCP_TAB)

    # get the bitmask from the answer
    if(sscanf(_ansEM, "%x", sta) != 1){
        printf("%s ERROR: unable to get status for: \"%s\"\n", FLEXDC_TCP_TAB, mne)

    # get limitswitches status (RLS)
    if(sta & (1<<3))  ret |= 0x04;

    # get limitswitches status (FLS)
    if(sta & (1<<2))  ret |= 0x08;

    # normal end

###############################        ###############################
###############################  INFO  ###############################
###############################        ###############################

#%UU% motor
# Print out all information from the controller concerning the
# specified motor
def flexdc_tcp_show(mot_num) '{
    local mne
    local dev
    local chan
    local ans
    local pars[]
    local _param

    # list of commands and descriptions
    pars["AD"]="Analog Input Dead Band"
    pars["AF"]="Analog Input Gain Factor"
    pars["AG"]="Analog Input Gain"
    pars["AI"]="Analog Input Value"
    pars["AP"]="Next Absolute Position Target"
    pars["AS"]="Analog Input Offset"
    pars["CA[36]"]="Min dead zone"
    pars["CA[37]"]="Max dead zone"
    pars["CA[33]"]="Dead zone bit#1"
    pars["CG"]="Axis Configuration"
    pars["DL"]="Limit deceleration"
    pars["DO"]="DAC Analog Offset"
    pars["DP"]="Desired Position"
    pars["EM"]="Last end of motion reason"
    pars["ER"]="Maximum Position Error Limit"
    pars["HL"]="High soft limit"
    pars["IS"]="Integral Saturation Limit"
    pars["KD[1]"]="PIV Differential Gain"
    pars["KD[2]"]="PIV Differential Gain (Scheduling)"
    pars["KI[1]"]="PIV Integral Gain"
    pars["KI[2]"]="PIV Integral Gain (Scheduling)"
    pars["KP[1]"]="PIV Proportional Gain"
    pars["KP[2]"]="PIV Proportional Gain (Scheduling)"
    pars["LL"]="Low  soft limit"
    pars["ME"]="Master Encoder Axis Definition"
    pars["MF"]="Motor Fault Reason"
    pars["MM"]="Motion mode"
    pars["MO"]="Motor On"
    pars["MS"]="Motion Status"
    pars["NC"]="No Control (Enable open loop)"
    pars["PE"]="Position Error"
    pars["PO"]="PIV Output"
    pars["PS"]="Encoder Position Value"
    pars["RP"]="Next Relative Position Target"
    pars["SM"]="Special motion mode"
    pars["SR"]="Status Register"
    pars["TC"]="Torque (open loop) Command"
    pars["TL"]="Torque Limit"
    pars["TR"]="Target Radius"
    pars["TT"]="Target Time"
    pars["VL"]="Actual Velocity" # Is this true?

    # PC : make it a function like others
    # mininum check
    #if($# != 1) {
    #   print "Usage: $0 motor"
    #   exit
    #   }

    # get the motor to snif
    #mne = "$1"
    #if((mot_num=motor_num(mne)) == -1) {
    #    print "ERROR: invalid motor: \""mne"\""
    #    exit

    mne = motor_name(mot_num)

    # check that it is a motor of us
    if(motor_par(mot_num, "device_id") != "flexdc_tcp") {
        printf("ERROR: not a FLEXDC_TCP motor: %s", mne)

    # get the wait to talk to the controller
    dev  =  motor_par(mot_num, "address")

    chan = (motor_par(mot_num, "channel")==0)?"X":"Y"

    print ""
    for(_param in pars) {
        ans = _flexdc_tcp_query(dev, sprintf("%s%s", chan, _param))
        if(ans == "") {
            printf("%s ERROR: reading axis status\n", FLEXDC_TCP_TAB)
        printf("%35s %8s: %s\n", pars[_param], sprintf("[%s]", _param), ans)

def flexdc_tcp_show_CA(mot_num) '{
    local mne
    local dev
    local chan
    local ans
    local _ii, ii_max
    local _param
    ii_min = 1
    ii_max = 40

    # PC : make it a function like others
    # mininum check
    #if($# != 1) {
    #   print "Usage: $0 motor"
    #   exit
    #   }

    # get the motor to snif
    #mne = "$1"
    #if((mot_num=motor_num(mne)) == -1) {
    #    print "ERROR: invalid motor: \""mne"\""
    #    exit

    mne = motor_name(mot_num)

    # check that it is a motor of us
    if(motor_par(mot_num, "device_id") != "flexdc_tcp") {
        printf("ERROR: not a FLEXDC_TCP motor: %s", mne)

    # get the wait to talk to the controller
    dev  =  motor_par(mot_num, "address")

    chan = (motor_par(mot_num, "channel")==0)?"X":"Y"

    print ""
    for(_ii=ii_min ; _ii<=ii_max; _ii++) {
        _param = sprintf("CA[%d]", _ii)
        ans = _flexdc_tcp_query(dev, sprintf("%s%s", chan, _param))
        if(ans == "") {
            printf("%s ERROR: reading axis status\n", FLEXDC_TCP_TAB)
        printf("%s: %s\n", _param, ans)

##############################           #############################
##############################  CONTROL  #############################
##############################           #############################

def flexdc_in_target(mot_num) '{
    local _dev  _cmd  _ans _chan

    _dev  =  motor_par(mot_num, "address")
    _chan = (motor_par(mot_num, "channel")==0)? "X" : "Y"

    _cmd = sprintf("%sSR", _chan)

    _ans = _flexdc_tcp_query(_dev, _cmd)

    # Returns state of 6th bit
    if(_ans & (1<<5)){
        return (1)
        return (0)


#%UU% (<mot_num>)
#    Runs a homing and wait for completion : in case of Ctrl-C it
# sends an ABORT.
def flexdc_home(mot_num) '{

    cdef("cleanup_once", sprintf(";_fdc_abort(%d);", motor_num(mot_num)), "_fdc_home_")

    # Asynchronous homing.

    while( (_status = flexdc_in_target(mot_num)) != 1){
        printf(" homing %s (in-target=%s)\n", motor_mne(mot_num), _status)

    printf(" homing done %s (in-target=%s)\n", motor_mne(mot_num), _status)

    cdef("cleanup_once", "", "_fdc_home_", "delete")


#%UU% (<mot_num>)
#    Sends a stop command to flex controller axis coresponding to
# motor <mot_num>
def _fdc_abort(mot_num) '{
    # print "FDC ABORT"
    # flexdc_tcp_cmd(mot_num, "abort_one")

#%UU% (<mot_num>)
#    Runs the homing procedure.
def flexdc_tcp_home(mot_num) '{

    local _dev  _cmd  _ans _chan

    _dev  =  motor_par(mot_num, "address")
    _chan = (motor_par(mot_num, "channel")==0)? "X" : "Y"

    _cmd = sprintf("%sQE,#HINX_X", _chan)

    printf("_cmd for homing = \"%s\"", _cmd)

    _ans = _flexdc_tcp_query(_dev, _cmd)


###########################                 ###########################
###########################  COMMUNICATION  ###########################
###########################                 ###########################

#%IU%(dev, cmd)
#    Sends <cmd> command to <dev> device.
# <cmd> is checked to fix terminators.
# Returns string ".error." if no echo from controller
# Returns empty string otherwise
def _flexdc_tcp_wr(dev, cmd) '{
    global FLEXDC[]
    local  itf
    local  _ans 
    local  _cmd

    # printf( "in _flexdc_tcp_wr(%s, %s)\n", dev, cmd)

    # Prepare the command
    _cmd = cmd

    # Checks command terminator (add it if needed).
    if(substr(_cmd, length(_cmd), 1) != FLEXDC_TCP_EOC) {
        _cmd = sprintf("%s%s", _cmd, FLEXDC_TCP_EOC)

    # Adds ACK character:
    if(substr(_cmd, length(_cmd), 1) != FLEXDC_TCP_ACK) {
        _cmd = sprintf("%s%s", _cmd, FLEXDC_TCP_ACK)

    # Flush input queue, just in case
    itf  = FLEXDC[dev]["itf"]
    if(itf == "SOCKET") {
        sock_par(dev, "flush")
    } else if(itf == "TANGODS") {
        tango_io(dev, "sock_flush")

    # Sends command
    # print "dev= " dev  " cmd=" _cmd
    if(itf == "SOCKET") {
        sock_put(dev, _cmd)
    } else if(itf == "TANGODS") {
        tango_io(dev, "sock_put", _cmd)

    # to be adjusted ? PC: needed???

# to do ?
#    # get command echo
#    _ans = sock_get(dev, FLEXDC_TCP_EOC)
#    if(_ans != _cmd) {
#        printf("%s ERROR: missing command echo\n", FLEXDC_TCP_TAB)
#        return(".error.")
#    }

    # normal end

#%IU%(dev, cmd)
# Returns string ".error." if no echo from controller
# Returns empty string if no answer from controller
def _flexdc_tcp_query(dev, cmd) '{
    global FLEXDC[]
    local  itf
    local  _ans 
    local  _str
    local  _cmd

    # printf ("in _flexdc_tcp_query(%s, %s)\n", dev, cmd)

    # Prepare the command
    _cmd = cmd

    # Checks command terminator (add it if needed).
    if(substr(_cmd, length(_cmd), 1) != FLEXDC_TCP_EOC) {
        _cmd = sprintf("%s%s", _cmd, FLEXDC_TCP_EOC)

    # Adds ACK character:
    if(substr(_cmd, length(_cmd), 1) != FLEXDC_TCP_ACK) {
        _cmd = sprintf("%s%s", _cmd, FLEXDC_TCP_ACK)

    # Communicate to the controller the request
    itf = FLEXDC[dev]["itf"]
    if(itf == "SOCKET") {
        # Sends the command to the controller.
        if(_flexdc_tcp_wr(dev, _cmd)) {

        # Gets command answer.
        # _ans = sock_get(dev, FLEXDC_TCP_PPT)
        _ans = sock_get(dev)
    } else if(itf == "TANGODS") {
        if((_ans = tango_io(dev,"sock_putget", _cmd)) == -1) {
    # print _ans

    # Removes prompt and ACK.
    _str = string_get_last_N_char(_ans, 2)

    # print "STR = " _str
    if ( _str == sprintf(">%s", FLEXDC_TCP_ACK)){
        # print "ack ok"
        _ans = string_remove_last_N_chars(_ans, 2)
        return (_ans)
        print "FLEXDC_TCP ERROR : _flexdc_tcp_query : bad ack"
        printf("_ans=\"%s\"\n", _ans)
        return (".error.")

# Try to open a connection to the specified device.
# Returns 0 if success otherwise string ".error.".
def _flexdc_tcp_connect(dev) '{
    global FLEXDC[]
    local  itf
    local  arr[]
    local  host

    itf = FLEXDC[dev]["itf"]
    if(itf == "SOCKET") {
        if(sock_par(dev, "connect") == 0) {
            printf("%s ERROR: missing ADDR field or bad one, no IP @\n", \
            return (".error.")
    } else if(itf == "TANGODS") {
        arr[0] = "connect"
        if((host=tango_io(dev, "sock_par", arr)) == -1) {
            printf("%s ERROR: missing Tango DS or DS property \"connect\"\n", \
            p TANGO_ERR_STACK
            return (".error.")
        FLEXDC[dev]["host"] = host
    } else {
        printf("%s ERROR: unsupported interface \"%s\"\n", \
            FLEXDC_TCP_TAB, itf)
        return (".error.")

    # Normal end
######################                          ######################
######################  POSITION MACRO COUNTER  ######################
######################                          ######################

# Called by spec after reading the config file
def flexdc_tcp_c_config(count_num, type, p1, p2, p3) '{

    if(type=="ctrl") {
        # ?

    if(type=="cnt") {
        local _mot_mne _mot_num _cnt_mne

        _cnt_mne = cnt_mne(count_num)
        _mot_num = counter_par(count_num, "motor")
        _mot_mne = motor_mne(_mot_num)

        if((mot_num = motor_num(_mot_mne)) == -1) {
            local _msg
            _msg = sprintf( "invalid motor name parameter %s  for counter %s",\
                                 _mot_mne, _cnt_mne)
            printf("%s ERROR: %s\n", FLEXDC_TCP_TAB, _msg)


# Called by spec on counter operation.
def flexdc_tcp_c_cmd(count_num, key, p1, p2) '{

    if (key == "counts") {
        local _pos  _mot_num  _mot_mne  _cnt_mne

        _cnt_mne = cnt_mne(count_num)
        _mot_num = counter_par(count_num, "motor")
        _mot_mne = motor_mne(_mot_num)

        _pos = flexdc_tcp_get_read_pos(_mot_num)


# Called by spec after reading the config file
def flexdc_tcp_vel_config(count_num, type, p1, p2, p3) '{

    if(type=="ctrl") {
        # ?

    if(type=="cnt") {
        local _mot_mne _mot_num _cnt_mne

        _cnt_mne = cnt_mne(count_num)
        _mot_num = counter_par(count_num, "motor")
        _mot_mne = motor_mne(_mot_num)

        if((mot_num = motor_num(_mot_mne)) == -1) {
            local _msg
            _msg = sprintf( "invalid motor name parameter %s  for counter %s",\
                                 _mot_mne, _cnt_mne)
            printf("%s ERROR: %s\n", FLEXDC_TCP_TAB, _msg)


# Called by spec on counter operation.
def flexdc_tcp_vel_cmd(count_num, key, p1, p2) '{

    if (key == "counts") {
        local _pos  _mot_num  _mot_mne  _cnt_mne

        _cnt_mne = cnt_mne(count_num)
        _mot_num = counter_par(count_num, "motor")
        _mot_mne = motor_mne(_mot_num)

        _pos = flexdc_tcp_get_read_vel(_mot_num)


# Called by spec after reading the config file
def flexdc_tcp_sr_config(count_num, type, p1, p2, p3) '{

    if(type=="ctrl") {
        # ?

    if(type=="cnt") {
        local _mot_mne _mot_num _cnt_mne

        _cnt_mne = cnt_mne(count_num)
        _mot_num = counter_par(count_num, "motor")
        _mot_mne = motor_mne(_mot_num)

        if((mot_num = motor_num(_mot_mne)) == -1) {
            local _msg
            _msg = sprintf( "invalid motor name parameter %s  for counter %s",\
                                 _mot_mne, _cnt_mne)
            printf("%s ERROR: %s\n", FLEXDC_TCP_TAB, _msg)


# Called by spec on counter operation.
def flexdc_tcp_sr_cmd(count_num, key, p1, p2) '{

    if (key == "counts") {
        local _pos  _mot_num  _mot_mne  _cnt_mne

        _cnt_mne = cnt_mne(count_num)
        _mot_num = counter_par(count_num, "motor")
        _mot_mne = motor_mne(_mot_num)

        _pos = flexdc_tcp_get_sr(_mot_num)


# Called by spec after reading the config file
def flexdc_tcp_po_config(count_num, type, p1, p2, p3) '{

    if(type=="ctrl") {
        # ?

    if(type=="cnt") {
        local _mot_mne _mot_num _cnt_mne

        _cnt_mne = cnt_mne(count_num)
        _mot_num = counter_par(count_num, "motor")
        _mot_mne = motor_mne(_mot_num)

        if((mot_num = motor_num(_mot_mne)) == -1) {
            local _msg
            _msg = sprintf( "invalid motor name parameter %s  for counter %s",\
                                 _mot_mne, _cnt_mne)
            printf("%s ERROR: %s\n", FLEXDC_TCP_TAB, _msg)


# Called by spec on counter operation.
def flexdc_tcp_po_cmd(count_num, key, p1, p2) '{

    if (key == "counts") {
        local _pos  _mot_num  _mot_mne  _cnt_mne

        _cnt_mne = cnt_mne(count_num)
        _mot_num = counter_par(count_num, "motor")
        _mot_mne = motor_mne(_mot_num)

        _pos = flexdc_tcp_get_po(_mot_num)


#%AUTHOR% CG+MP BLISS (Original 02/2010).
# %BR%$Revision: 1.3 $ / $Date: 2013/07/01 05:17:22 $