
Beamline Instrument Software Support
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#%TITLE% dac_macmot.mac
# Macros to control a dac device server (VME card ICV712), optionally with a
# ADC (VME card ICV150) input to display the position.
# This macro file allows to define dac channels as motors in SPEC.
# Optionally one may define an ADC channel as position readout. 
# %BR% %BR%
# In order to allow for adequate feedback, one may define an ADC ds name in the
# motor parameter %B%ADC%B% of the motor definition (hit "p", enter the word
# "ADC" to the left and the ADC channel name to the left).
# %BR% %BR%
# The config values %B%factor%B% (hit "p", enter the word "factor" to the left
# and the value to the left) and %B%encoder_factor%B% can be set to reflect the
# gain of the DAC and ADC channels.
# %BR% %BR%
#In the config editor create a motor controller like follows:
# %BR%
# %BR%
#The DAC device server offers one device per channel. Leave the channel part of
#the name away, it will be completed with the unit number of your motor.
# %BR% %BR%
#Then create the motor(s):
#%DT%  mv dac1 50  %DD% Move the motor to 50
#        This value converted to dac output depending on the ICV712 settings.
# In order to avoid the message "Motor didn't reach final position." set the
# slop parameter in the spec config to a small number of steps (10).
#$Revision: 1.1 $, $Date: 2008/03/18 08:31:44 $
# Modifications history:
#  1/02/2008 Creation 

# Called by spec
def DAC_config(mne,type,unit,mod,chan) '{
  local dsname
  if (mne != "..") {
    if (DEBUG & 128) print "Configuring a DAC encoder channel on " DAC_ADDR
  } else {
    ESRF_ERR = 0; ESRF_ERR_MSG = ""
    # just read channel 0 to check presence
    dsname = DAC_ADDR "0"
    esrf_io(dsname , "DevReadValue")
    if (ESRF_ERR){
      eprint "DAC Macro counter/motor: esrf_io() failed!", ESRF_ERR_MSG
      return ".error."
} '

# Called by spec
def DAC_cmd(mne, cmd, p1, p2, unit) '{
  local dsname, chan, value, factor
  local hl, ll, numint, idx, intidx, flidx, num, arnam
  value  = p1
  if (mne != "..") {
    factor = motor_par(mne, "factor")
    if (factor == 0) { factor = 1 }
    ESRF_ERR = 0; ESRF_ERR_MSG = ""
    chan = motor_par(mne, "channel")
    dsname = DAC_ADDR chan
    if ((cmd == "start_one") || (cmd == "set_position")) {
    # make a move
      esrf_io(dsname, "DevSetValue", p1 * factor)
      if (ESRF_ERR){
        eprint "DAC Macro motor: esrf_io() failed!", ESRF_ERR, ESRF_ERR_MSG
        return ".error."
    else if (cmd == "position") {
    # get angle
      chan   = motor_par(mne, "channel")
      dsname = DAC_ADDR chan
      # check first if there is an ADC assigned
      local ADC
      if (ADC = motor_par(mne, "ADC")) {
        local aux[] # split it to dsname and channel
        split(ADC, aux)
        local adcvals[]
        esrf_io(aux[0], "DevReadSigValues", adcvals)
        value = adcvals[aux[1]]
      } else {
        value = esrf_io(dsname, "DevReadValue")
        if (ESRF_ERR){
          eprint "DAC Macro motor: esrf_io() failed!", ESRF_ERR_MSG
          return ".error."
      return(value / factor)
} '

#The file dac_macmot.mac has to be read in.
#$Revision: 1.1 $, $Date: 2008/03/18 08:31:44 $