
Beamline Instrument Software Support
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# control of serveral motors (named as protected motors) which must not move 
# when a pair of brakes is applied 
#%BR% The pair of brakes is controlled by the macros of 'MVH_brakes.mac'. 
#%BR% - macro names for brakes control begins with MVH_ or _MVH_
#%BR% - macro names for the control of the protected motors begins with MVHP_
# or _MVHP.
#%BR% - the protected motors are disabled by default when the 'MVHP_setup' is
#run (usually done in the setup).
#%BR%The parameter provided to the MVHP macro functions represents the index of
# the brakes in the list of brakes defined by MVH_brakes_setup
#%BR% A complete setting will be for example:
#%BR%MVH_brakes_setup mhbru 0 mhbrd 0 tegb1u 0 tegb2u 0
#%BR%MVHP_setup MH 0 mh1 mh2 mh3
#%BR%MVHP_setup TEG 1 teg1 teg2
#%BR%Where 'mh1' 'mh2' 'mh3' use 'mhbru' and 'mhbrd' brakes (using label MH for
#%BR%and 'teg1' and 'teg2' use 'tegb1u' and 'tegb2u' brakes (using label TEG for

need MVH_brakes.mac

#%UU% <label> <brake_index> <mne1> <mne2> ... <mne'n'> 
#%MDESC% It defines the protected motors for the brakes '<brakes_index>'. 
# This set is labelled <label>.
#%BR%It defines motors <mne1> <mne2> ... <mne'n'>  which must not be moved 
# when brakes (defined by MVH_brakes_setup at index <brake_index>) are applied 
def MVHP_setup'{
   unglobal MVHP MVHPLAB
   global MVHP MVHPLAB
   local ii nbmot mysplit myarr mybi mylab
   if ($# < 3) {
      p "usage: MVHP_setup <label> <brake_index> <mne1> <mne2> ... "
   nbmot = $#-2
   mylab = myarr[0]
   mbi = myarr[1]
   for (ii=0; ii<nbmot; ii++) {
      MVHP[mbi][sprintf("trans%d",ii)] = myarr[ii+2]
   MVHP[mbi]["nbmot"] = nbmot
   MVHPLAB[mbi] = mylab
#%MDESC% disables the motors associated to brakes 'ni'
def _MVHP_trans_disable(ni)'{
   local ii ind
   __MVHP_debug  ">>> _MVHP_trans_disable(): "
   for (ii=0; ii<MVHP[ni]["nbmot"]; ii++) {
      ind = sprintf("trans%d",ii)
      if (motor_num(MVHP[ni][ind]) != -1) {


#%MDESC% enables the motors associated to brakes 'ni'
def _MVHP_trans_enable(ni)'{
   local ii ind
   __MVHP_debug  ">>> _MVHP_trans_enable():"
   for (ii=0; ii<MVHP[ni]["nbmot"]; ii++) {
      ind = sprintf("trans%d",ii)
      if (motor_num(MVHP[ni][ind]) != -1) {

#%MDESC%set expert mode for brakes 'ni'. In this mode, the motors are enabled and can be
#moved normally (mv ..) and seen normally (wa ...) 
def MVHP_expert(ni)'{
   # for having no timeout
   onwiz 1
   if (spec_par("specwiz") == 1) {
      p "releasing the brakes"

#%MDESC%set safe mode. The motors must be moved using withMVHP. And
#can be seen with MVHP_status(ni)
def MVHP_safe(ni)'{

#%MDESC% reads the motors positions associated to brakes 'ni'.
def MVHP_show(ni)'{    
   local mystr ii ind

   mystr = "wm "
   for (ii=0; ii<MVHP[ni]["nbmot"]; ii++) {
      ind = sprintf("trans%d",ii)
      mystr = sprintf("%s %s ",mystr,MVHP[ni][ind])
#%MDESC%Does MVH_brakeon followed by MVHP_safe
def MVHP_user(ni)'{

   p "putting on the brakes"

#%MDESC%Gives the status of the brakes and the positions of the associated 
# motors
def MVHP_status(ni)'{
   local ii dis ind mne

   for (ii=0; ii<MVHP[ni]["nbmot"]; ii++) {
      ind = sprintf("trans%d",ii)
      if (motor_num(MVHP[ni][ind]) != -1) {
         if (motor_par(motor_num(MVHP[ni][ind]),"disable") == 1)
            p "motor " MVHP[ni][ind] " is protected"
         else {
            p "motor " MVHP[ni][ind] " is NOT PROTECTED"             
   p "MH: protected motors: "


#%MDESC% check that the motors associated to brakes 'ni'exist. exit if not.
def _MVHP_checkmot(ni)'{
   local ii ind
   for (ii=0; ii<MVHP[ni]["nbmot"]; ii++) {
      ind = sprintf("trans%d",ii)
      if (motor_num(MVHP[ni][ind]) == -1) {
         p "MH: motor " MVHP[ni][ind] " is not defined for mirror"

#%MDESC% to be hooked in cleanup_once.
def _MVHP_cleanup(ni)'{

   # brakes are not applied (it is long to set the brakes)
   # so, as it is not a security reason, it is not done.


if (!(whatis("__MVHP_debug")  & 2)) rdef __MVHP_debug \'#$*\'
#%MDESC% toggle debug mode for the present macros.
def MVHP_debug '{
  if ((whatis("__MVHP_debug")>>16) <= 3) { # just a # sign -> off
    rdef __MVHP_debug "eprint"
    print "MVHP debug is ON"
  } else {
    rdef __MVHP_debug \'#\$*\'
    print "MVHP debug is OFF"

#%UU% <label>
#%MDESC%Selects a set (by its label) for the use of withMVHP.
def MVHP_select'{
    local mylab ii found
    mylab = "$1"
    found = 0
    for (ii in MVHPLAB) {
       if (MVHPLAB[ii] == mylab) {
          MVHP["selected"] = ii
          p "MVHP_select: " mylab " : " ii
          found = 1
    if (found == 0) {    
       p "MVHP_select: no set of motors associated to  " mylab " !!!"
       #create an error

#%UU% <a command>
#%MDESC% For the motor set previously choosen with MVHP_slect, it
#can be used before an ascan or mv command on the motors, like:
#%BR% withMVHP mv <motor> 3  
#%BR% 1-  releases the brakes and enable the translation motors associated to
# previously selected set.
#%BR% 2-  do the choosen command
#%BR% 3-  disables the motors and sets the brakes 
#%BR%If a controlC is done during this action,the brakes are set after stopping.
def withMVHP'{
   local mystr ind
   ind = MVHP["selected"]
   p "MVHP: working on motors set " MVHPLAB[ind]
   # in case of control C:
   # disable translation motors, and remove cleanup_always
   str = sprintf("_MVHP_trans_disable(%d);",ind)
   # release the brakes and enable the translation motor
   p "MVHP: releasing the brakes"

   p "MH: executing the command: "  "$*" 
   # execute the command
   # disable the motor, remove cleanup_always, set the brakes
   p "MH: setting the brakes"
   # remove the cleanup always (so let spec do its own controlC

#$Revision: 1.3 $
#$Log: MVHP.mac,v $
#Revision 1.3  2012/02/07 16:39:07  domingue
#correct bug (string in the code ...)
#  mcd july 2011