
Beamline Instrument Software Support
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#%TITLE% CUB.mac 
#%NAME% CUB / PUDS utility functions and macros
#%CATEGORY% Other hardware, Generic I/O
#   Set of primary functions and macros to be used to control and
#   access CUB and PUDS mezzanines

#   TODO - to be documented
#   $Revision: 1.1 $
#   $Log: CUB.mac,v $
#   Revision 1.1  2008/02/27 16:27:52  domingue
#   Initial revision
#   $Date: 2008/02/27 16:27:52 $
#   $Source: /segfs/bliss/source/spec/macros/RCS/CUB.mac,v $

# bagdad:/users/blissadm/local/spec/macros % ll CUB.mac
# -rw-r--r--    1 homsrego bliss        2167 Jun 19 13:10 CUB.mac

#MACRO: print the defined device server functions for the device

def cubFuncs'{
	local val

	if($# != 0) {
		p "usage: cubFuncs"

	val = esrf_io(CUB_ARR["dev"],"?")
	printf("esrf_io return [%d]\n", val)


#%UU% <device>
#MACRO: set the global variable with <device> value

def cubInit'{
   global CUB_ARR

   if($# != 1) {
      p "usage: cubInit <device>"

   CUB_ARR["dev"] = "$1"
   printf("--- cubInit: set CUB_ARR[\"dev\"] [%s]\n", CUB_ARR["dev"]);
   				#--------- timeout to load (seconds)
	CUB_ARR["timeoutLoad"] = 20
	CUB_ARR["BITdir"] = "/segfs/linux/csel/hard/puds/BIT"


#%IU% (<bit filename>)
#MACRO: get complete path-filename of the bit file

def cub_get_bit_path_filename(filename)'{
   return sprintf("%s/%s", CUB_ARR["BITdir"], filename)


#%IU% (seg, addr)
#FUNCTION: returns the 32 bit register value at <seg> space and <addr> position

def cub_r32(seg, addr)'{
	local myp val

	myp[0] = seg
	myp[1] = addr

	val = esrf_io(CUB_ARR["dev"],"DevReadReg32",myp)

	return val

#%IU% (seg, addr)
#FUNCTION: returns the 16 bit register value at <seg> space and <addr> position

def cub_r16(seg, addr)'{
	local myp val

	myp[0] = seg
	myp[1] = addr

	val = esrf_io(CUB_ARR["dev"],"DevReadReg16",myp)

	return val
#%IU% (seg, addr)
#FUNCTION: returns the 8 bit register value at <seg> space and <addr> position

def cub_r8(seg, addr)'{
	local myp val

	myp[0] = seg
	myp[1] = addr

	val = esrf_io(CUB_ARR["dev"],"DevReadReg8",myp)

	return val
#%UU% <seg> <addr>
#MACRO: print the 32 bit register value at <seg> space and <addr> position

def cubR32'{
	local myp val

	if($# != 2) {
		p "usage: cubR32 <segment [1,2]> <index [0..255]>"

	myp[0] = $1
	myp[1] = $2

	val = esrf_io(CUB_ARR["dev"],"DevReadReg32",myp)
	printf("--- cubR32: seg: [%d]  addr: [0x%x]  val: [0x%08x]\n", \
				myp[0], myp[1], val)


#%UU% <seg> <addr>
#MACRO: print the 16 bit register value at <seg> space and <addr> position

def cubR16'{
   local myp val
   if($# != 2) {
      p "usage: cubR16 <segment [1,2]> <index [0..255]>"
   myp[0] = $1
   myp[1] = $2
   val = esrf_io(CUB_ARR["dev"],"DevReadReg16",myp)
	printf("--- cubR16: seg: [%d]  addr: [0x%x]  val: [0x%04x]\n", \
		myp[0], myp[1], val)

#%UU% <seg> <addr>
#MACRO: print the 8 bit register value at <seg> space and <addr> position

def cubR8'{
   local myp val
   if($# != 2) {
      p "usage: cubR8 <segment [1,2]> <index [0..255]>"
   myp[0] = $1
   myp[1] = $2
   val = esrf_io(CUB_ARR["dev"],"DevReadReg8",myp)

	printf("--- cubR8:  seg: [%d]  addr: [0x%x]  val: [0x%02x]\n", \
		myp[0], myp[1], val)


#%UU% <seg> <addr> <val>
#MACRO: write the value  <val> in the 32 bit register at <seg> space
#and <addr> position

def cubW32'{
   local myp
   if($# != 3) {
      p "usage: cubW32 <segment [1,2]> <index [0..255]> <value>"
   myp[0] = $1
   myp[1] = $2
   myp[2] = $3 

#%UU% <seg> <addr> <val>
#MACRO: write the value  <val> in the 16 bit register at <seg> space
#and <addr> position

def cubW16'{
   local myp
   if($# != 3) {
      p "usage: cubW16 <segment [1,2]> <index [0..255]> <value>"
   myp[0] = $1
   myp[1] = $2
   myp[2] = $3 


#%UU% <seg> <addr> <val>
#MACRO: write the value  <val> in the 8 bit register at <seg> space
#and <addr> position

def cubW8'{
   local myp
   if($# != 3) {
      p "usage: cubW8 <segment [1,2]> <index [0..255]> <value>"
   myp[0] = $1
   myp[1] = $2
   myp[2] = $3 


#MACRO: erase all FPGA's, set sensitive bit to 0 
#(segment 2, address 4, bit 23)

def cubReset'{
   if($# != 0) {
      p "usage: cubReset "


#%IU% (seg, addr, val)
#FUNCTION: writes the value <val> in the 32 bit register at <seg> space 
#and <addr> position. returns the result of esrf_io operation.

def cub_w32(seg, addr, val)'{
   local myp
   myp[0] = seg
   myp[1] = addr
   myp[2] = val

   return esrf_io(CUB_ARR["dev"],"DevWriteReg32",myp)

#%IU% (seg, addr, val)
#FUNCTION: writes the value <val> in the 16 bit register at <seg> space 
#and <addr> position. returns the result of esrf_io operation.

def cub_w16(seg, addr, val)'{
   local myp
   myp[0] = seg
   myp[1] = addr
   myp[2] = val

   return esrf_io(CUB_ARR["dev"],"DevWriteReg16",myp)


#%IU% (seg, addr, val)
#FUNCTION: writes the value <val> in the 8 bit register at <seg> space 
#and <addr> position. returns the result of esrf_io operation.

def cub_w8(seg, addr, val)'{
   local myp
   myp[0] = seg
   myp[1] = addr
   myp[2] = val

   return esrf_io(CUB_ARR["dev"],"DevWriteReg8",myp)


#%IU% (val)
#FUNCTION: sets the remote procedure call (RPC) of SPEC the 
#value <val> in seconds. return the value set in seconds.

def cub_set_timeout(val) '{

   return esrf_io(CUB_ARR["dev"],"timeout", val)


#%IU% ()
#FUNCTION: restore the remote procedure call (RPC) of SPEC the default 
#value. returns the default value set in seconds.

def cub_restore_timeout() '{

   return esrf_io(CUB_ARR["dev"],"timeout", 0)


#%UU% <bit file> 
#MACRO: loads the CUB Virtex file <bit file> to FPGA
def cubLoadVirtex'{
   local bitFile
   if ($# != 1) {
      p "usage: cubLoadVirtex <bit file>"
   bitFile =  cub_get_bit_path_filename("$1")

   printf("--- cubLoadVirtex: [%s]\n", bitFile);

   cub_set_timeout( CUB_ARR["timeoutLoad"] )
   esrf_io(CUB_ARR["dev"],"DevLoadVirtex", bitFile)

#%UU% <list file> 
#MACRO: loads the PUDS Spartan files <list file> to FPGA. The <list file> 
#contains the complete path-filename of the files to be loaded, one
#per line

def cubLoadSpartanList'{
   local bitFileList

   if ($# != 1) { 
      p "usage: cubLoadSpartanList <list file>"
   bitFileList = cub_get_bit_path_filename("$1")

   printf("--- cubLoadSpartanList: [%s]\n", bitFileList);

   cub_set_timeout( CUB_ARR["timeoutLoad"] )



#%UU% <bit file> 
#MACRO: loads the PUDS Spartan file <bit file> to FPGA. 

def cubLoadSpartan'{
   local bitFile

   if ($# != 1) { 
      p "usage: cubLoadSpartan <bit file>"
   bitFile = cub_get_bit_path_filename("$1")

   printf("--- cubLoadSpartan: [%s]\n", bitFile);

   cub_set_timeout( CUB_ARR["timeoutLoad"] )



#MACRO: test macro: loads a predefined CUB Virtex bitfile and reads
#some registers

def cubTest'{

	if($# != 0) {
      p "usage: cubTest"

	cubInit MCD/cub/1
    p "--- Loading Virtex"

#    cubLoadVirtex /segfs/dserver/classes++/c353/virtex/c353.bit
	cubLoadVirtex "cub_puds_i0_0.bit"

	printf("--- loading Virtex finished\n")

    cubR32 1 0
    cubR16 1 0
    cubR8 1 0

    cubR32 1 4
    cubR16 1 4
    cubR8 1 4

#%IU% (seg, addr, val)
#FUNCTION: test function: writes and read a value <val> in the 32 bit register 
#at <seg> space and <addr> position. print the results. return if there
#was a discrepance (1 -> error)

def cub_test_rw32_1(seg, addr, val) '{
	local valR, retval
	cub_w32(seg, addr, val)
	valR =  cub_r32(seg, addr)

	# if(val == valR) return 0

	printf("--- cub_test_rw32_1:  seg: [%d]  addr: [0x%x]  val: [0x%08x] ", \
			seg, addr, val)

	if(val != valR) {
		printf("[0x%08x]\n", valR)
		retval = 1
	} else {
		retval = 0

	return retval


#%IU% (seg, addr, val)
#FUNCTION: test function: writes and read a value <val> in the 16 bit register 
#at <seg> space and <addr> position. print the results. return if there
#was a discrepance (1 -> error)

def cub_test_rw16_1(seg, addr, val) '{
	local valR, retval
	cub_w16(seg, addr, val)
	valR =  cub_r16(seg, addr)

	# if(val == valR) return 0

	printf("--- cub_test_rw16_1:  seg: [%d]  addr: [0x%x]  val: [0x%04x] ", \
			seg, addr, val)

	if(val != valR) {
		printf("[0x%04x]\n", valR)
		retval = 1
	} else {
		retval = 0

	return retval


#%IU% (seg, addr, val)
#FUNCTION: test function: writes and read a value <val> in the 8 bit register 
#at <seg> space and <addr> position. print the results. return if there
#was a discrepance (1 -> error)

def cub_test_rw8_1(seg, addr, val) '{
	local valR, retval
	cub_w8(seg, addr, val)
	valR =  cub_r8(seg, addr)

	# if(val == valR) return 0

	printf("--- cub_test_rw8_1:  seg: [%d]  addr: [0x%x]  val: [0x%02x] ", \
			seg, addr, val)

	if(val != valR) {
		printf("[0x%02x]\n", valR)
		retval = 1
	} else {
		retval = 0

	return retval


#%IU% (seg, addr)
#FUNCTION: test function: perform a W/R bit-shifting test in the 32 bit 
#register at <seg> space and <addr> position. print the results. 
#return if there was a discrepance (1 -> error)

def cub_test_rw32(seg, addr) '{

	local val, i, retval
	val = 1
	retval = 0
	for(i = 0 ; i < 32; i++) {
		retval |= cub_test_rw32_1(seg, addr, val)	; 
		val = val << 1

	return retval


#%IU% (seg, addr)
#FUNCTION: test function: perform a W/R bit-shifting test in the 16 bit 
#register at <seg> space and <addr> position. print the results. 
#return if there was a discrepance (1 -> error)

def cub_test_rw16(seg, addr) '{

	local val, i, retval
	val = 1
	retval = 0
	for(i = 0 ; i < 16; i++) {
		retval |= cub_test_rw16_1(seg, addr, val)	; 
		val = val << 1

	return retval


#%IU% (seg, addr)
#FUNCTION: test function: perform a W/R bit-shifting test in the 8 bit 
#register at <seg> space and <addr> position. print the results. 
#return if there was a discrepance (1 -> error)

def cub_test_rw8(seg, addr) '{

	local val, i, retval
	val = 1
	retval = 0
	for(i = 0 ; i < 8; i++) {
		retval |= cub_test_rw8_1(seg, addr, val)	; 
		val = val << 1

	return retval

#MACRO: test macro: loads a predefined PUDS SPARTAN bitfile list.

def cubTestSpartanList'{

	if($# != 0) {
      p "usage: cubTestSpartanList"
	cubLoadSpartanList "mylist"


#MACRO: test macro: loads a predefined PUDS SPARTAN bitfile.

def cubTestSpartan'{

	if($# != 0) {
      p "usage: cubTestSpartan"
	cubLoadSpartan "i04_mr1.bit"

#MACRO: test macro: loads a predefined CUB Virtex bitfile. 

def cubTestVirtex'{
   if($# != 0) {
      p "usage: cubTestVirtex "

	cubLoadVirtex "cub_puds_mi0_3.bit"


#%UU% <str>
#MACRO: special test macro / NOT DOCUMENTED / NOT USE

def cubHello'{

   if($# != 1) {
      p "usage: cubHello <str>"

	esrf_io(CUB_ARR["dev"],"DevHello", "$1")

	return val

#MACRO: test RW 32-bit registers

def cubTestRW32'{

   if($# != 0) {
      p "usage: cubTestRW32"

	p "---"
	cub_test_rw32(2, 0x20)
	p "---"
	cub_test_rw32(2, 0x50)
	p "---"
	cub_test_rw32(2, 0x54)
	p "---"
	cub_test_rw32(2, 0x58)
	p "---"
	cub_test_rw32(2, 0x5C)
	p "---"


#MACRO: test RW 16-bit registers

def cubTestRW16'{

   if($# != 0) {
      p "usage: cubTestRW16"

	p "---"
	cub_test_rw16(2, 0x20)
	p "---"
	cub_test_rw16(2, 0x50)
	p "---"
	cub_test_rw16(2, 0x54)
	p "---"
	cub_test_rw16(2, 0x58)
	p "---"
	cub_test_rw16(2, 0x5C)
	p "---"


#MACRO: test RW 8-bit registers

def cubTestRW8'{

   if($# != 0) {
      p "usage: cubTestRW8"

	p "---"
	cub_test_rw8(2, 0x20)
	p "---"
	cub_test_rw8(2, 0x50)
	p "---"
	cub_test_rw8(2, 0x54)
	p "---"
	cub_test_rw8(2, 0x58)
	p "---"
	cub_test_rw8(2, 0x5C)
	p "---"

#%MDESC% print RCS version
def cubversion '{
        local strrcs, arr, arr1
                if($# != 0) {
                p "--- ERROR: Usage: coilctrlversion"
        strrcs = "$RCSfile: CUB.mac,v $ $Revision: 1.1 $ $Date: 2008/02/27 16:27:52 $"
        split(strrcs, arr)
        split(arr["1"], arr1, ",")
        printf("%s Rev %s (%s %s)\n", arr1["0"], arr["4"], arr["7"], arr["8"])
#%AUTHOR% BLISS - ESRF (2007) rh mcd