Wednesday 8 February

Common Building Meeting Room 106

 ** 09:00 Session begins **



Elias VLIEG (University of Nijmegen, the Netherlands) and Chris LUCAS (Liverpool University and Users Organization)


09:00 - 09:25 (25mn)

"Looking Live at Active Catalyst Surfaces"

Marcelo Ackermann

University of Leiden, The Netherlands


09:25 - 09:50 (25mn)

"Electrochemical Interfaces Observed on the Atomic Scale"

Franck Renner

ESRF (ID32), Grenoble, France


09:50 - 10:15  (25mn)

"Surface tendencies: Structures and Strategies"

Xavier Torrelles

Institut de Ciencia de Materiales, Barcelona, Spain


10:15 - 10:40 (25mn)

"ID03: Status of the refurbishment"

Didier Wermeille

ESRF (ID03), Grenoble, France


 ** 10:45 Session ends**