XOP: A Multiplatform Graphical User Interface for Synchrotron Radiation Spectral and Optics Calculations. M. Sanchez del Rio a) and R. J. Dejus b) a) European Synchrotron Radiation Facility BP 220, 38043 Grenoble-Cedex, France b) Advanced Photon Source Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL 60439, USA ABSTRACT XOP (X-ray OPtics utilities) is a graphical user interface (GUI) created to execute several computer programs that calculate the basic information needed by a synchrotron beamline scientist (designer or experimentalist). Typical examples of such calculations are: insertion device (undulator or wiggler) spectral and angular distributions, mirror and multilayer re ectivities, and crystal diffraction profiles. All programs are provided to the user under a unifed GUI, which greatly simplifies their execution. The XOP optics applications (especially mirror calculations) take their basic input (optical constants, compound and mixture tables) from a flexible file-oriented database, which allows the users to select data from a large number of choices and also to customize their own data sets. XOP includes many mathematical and visualization capabilities. It also permits the combination of re ectivities from several mirrors and filters, and their effect, onto a source spectrum. This feature is very useful when calculating thermal load on a series of optical elements. The XOP interface is written in the IDL (Interactive Data Language). An embedded version of XOP, which freely runs under most Unix platforms (HP, Sun, Dec, Linux, etc) and under Windows95 and NT, is available upon request (srio@esrf.fr, dejus@aps.anl.gov). Keywords: graphical user interface, synchrotron sources simulation, optics modeling, interactive data analysis, x-ray optics database