The Background Pattern

The page background is repeatedly filled with a portion of the collagen fiber diffraction pattern which is shown towards the bottom of the page. The part used for the background is outside the region shown. This has been saved as a compressed JPEG file using lossy compression which results in a loss of definition and a more blurred pattern. This is intended. The resulting file is 1284 bytes in size, so it should not slow down the page loading. The aim is to use a genuine crystallographic image as the backdrop, but of course it musn't be too intrusive. Hence the black to dark purple color scale.

The IUCr and CIF Logos

The imgCIF / CBF group has been working closely with the IUCr COMCIFS committe and other CIF groups with the aim of CBF being recognized by the IUCr in the same fashion as CIF. The logos are used with the permission and indeed encouragement of the IUCr COMCIFS committee.

The Quotation from Einstein

Arguably, the web page is not as simple as it might be, and this is slightly touch in cheek, but the quote is not. Einstein's quote sums up nicely Occam's razor, and one of the aims of the CBF format: simplicity. In doing so, it balances the often conflicting need for functionality with that of simplicity.

The Images

These images have been added to brighten up the page, and to remind us of the name of the game. JPEG lossy compression has been used, but to a lesser extent than with the background image, so as to preserve quality. The file sizes are: 26377, 38698, and 27301 bytes, so they may slow down the page loading a bit.

PTA Stained Collagen

This data was collected by Tim Wess and Linda Wess (Stirling University, previously at Edinburgh University) on Station 7.2 at the Daresbury Synchrotron Radiation Source. I was involved in the data analysis of this and similar data. The fiber diffraction pattern has intermediate ordering compared to the powder and single crystal patterns.


This data was collected by Andy Fitch (ESRF) on the Swiss Norwegian beam-line at the ESRF.

Protein X

Protein X (I've forgotten what the sample was) was collected by Andy Thompson (EMBL-Grenoble) and collaboraters on BM-14 at the ESRF.

This page has been produced by Andy Hammersley (E-mail: It is subject to further modification. If you have helpful suggestions, please send them to me.