The articles above focused on the application of time-resolved X-ray absorption studies to chemical problems. However, X-ray absorption fine structure studies have been applied in many other areas. Below we highlight the problem of neptunium in the environment ­ studies that are made possible by the unique experimental facilities at BM20, the ROBL CRG beamline. The second article concerns the technologically-important colossal magnetoresistance manganese oxides. There has also been work relating to superconductivity [1]and several studies of matter under extreme conditions, whether it be high pressure [2], high temperature [3] or atomic-like systems [4]. A problem in epitaxial semiconductor growth has also recently been addressed at BM8, the GILDA CRG beamline [5]. There are also developments in the way of calculating X-ray absorption spectra as can be seen in the final article in this section.

[1] E. Reny et al., PRB 66, 014532 (2002).
[2] J. Pellicer-Porres et al., PRB 65, 174103 (2002); S. Pascarelli et al., EPL (to be published).
[3] A. Trapananti et al., PRB 66, 014202 (2002).
[4] A. Kodre et al., J. Phys. B 35, 3497 (2002); A. Mihelic et al., NIM B 196, 194 (2002).
[5] F. d'Acapito, PRB 66, 205411 (2002).